Optimize your production runs

Utilize real-time production tools to eliminate DIY systems, dual entry, and hand-written notes. With Production Cloud you’ll know exactly what to produce, and when.

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Production Cloud links every step of production with all departments, providing supply chain insights and data to maximize operational efficiency


Plan and execute production runs with real-time insights

Make better production decisions with real-time distributor sales-to-retail information in combination with sales and inventory data from retailers via our Connect solutions.

Know exactly what’s happening in your facility. The Production Cloud workflow helps visualize an entire production run, from planning to packaging and everything in between.

  • Leverage handheld mobile devices to replace handwritten notes
  • Maximize your weekly output and keep your whole team on the same page
  • Facilitate your entire production process from end-to-end
  • See raw materials deplete in real-time throughout production runs
  • Track daily activities, efficiencies, and constraints
  • Get instant insights on quality, margins, and cost for every batch

Quickly plan and adjust your production schedule

Make changes on the fly with real-time inventory movements, giving your whole team a quick view into production.

  • Track scheduled batches via the scheduler, the central hub of your production
  • Assign tanks ahead of time to get everyone on the same page
  • Easily forecast your inventory requirements
  • Drag and drop orders on an interactive calendar that auto-adjusts date, time, and location
  • Keep all floor employees informed with schedule-change alerts
  • Easily build production runs with forward or backward planning

Total traceability–from lot to batch

You work hard to prevent things from going wrong, but if they do, we’ve got you covered. Batch Backtrace provides a historical record of every component, ingredient, or fermenter used in a batch for easy traceability from ingredients to glass.

  • Drill into the raw materials and finished goods of any batch to get ahead of any recalls or audits
  • Track from raw materials to finished goods or vice versa

Account for production variances and easily adjust on the fly

Tracking your production plans vs actuals allows you to see how consistently you are performing. If there are discrepancies, you can pinpoint them with real-time KPI tracking and dashboard views.

  • See exactly what’s happening during production with real-time inventory recognition through production variances
  • Gain a complete picture of how much inventory is being used and the cost consumed for each item
  • Keep your cost of goods and margins dialed in
  • Pinpoint what’s causing discrepancies and adapt accordingly

All the data you need to make the right decisions

Get a 360-degree view of production with comprehensive Fusion reports and utilities including:

  • Automated compliance reporting
  • Batch Backtrace functionality
  • Daily production activity reports
  • 4-day production activity reports
  • Item production activity reports
  • Production cost analysis

Future-proof your business with multi-segment beverage production

The emergence of new product segments is impossible to ignore. By not tapping into the nuance of modern consumer preference, beverage producers are missing out on enormous profit and growth potential. It’s time to change that.

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Get started with Encompass Production Cloud today

Transform your business by connecting to a single source of truth

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