CBC Seminar: Future-proofing your brewery with data-driven distributor collaboration

If you’re thinking about how to become future-proof – and you should be – this seminar is for you. Learn how modern breweries are modernizing distributor relationships with real-time data.


April 29, 2024

Future-proofing your brewery with data-driven distributor relationships

The 2024 Craft Brewers Conference provided breweries with an abundance of helpful information. One of the most prevalent threads? Getting smarter with real-time data.

Brewers need to collaborate across the supply chain with partner distributors to ensure the success of their brands in the market. Watch the CBC seminar to uncover how leading breweries have modernized their distributor relationships to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation.

CBC Sponsored seminar speakers

If you enjoyed this seminar, consider coming to Denver on June 3-6th for the BevAge Conference!

  • Drill down into the inner workings of Encompass

  • Connect with industry leaders in production and distribution

  • Cruise the city with industry friends

Register for BevAge

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